Splat Alley

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sic transit gloria mundi

In this case for glory, read Darcy - Bussell, that is; the glamorous, celebrated principal dancer at the Royal Ballet at Convent Garden who retires in a few weeks.

I was at the last night of her farewell performances at Sadler's Wells.

It was quite an experience. The rest of the cast were obviously determined to make her farewell memorable and to celebrate her contribution to dance over more than 20 years. She'd chosen her greatest (and incidentally seriously talented) friends to join her in her farewell.

In a line-up including Jonathan Cope, Roberto Bolle, Tamara Rojo and the Ballet Boyz you expect excellence. We got more. Cope danced with great sensitivity; Bolle with passion and strength; Rojo with a charming precision. William Trevitt and Michael Nunn moved with their accustomed lovely athleticism. Then Darcy Bussell came on the stage and danced them off it, fluently, gracefully and without any prejudice - she just danced.

There's no disputing it: the woman's a genius. In group choreography, she's magnetic; all of a sudden she's the only one visible, moving with a fluidity all her own. The difference is profound. The others perform skillfully, with a zest that moves you. Darcy Bussell gives you beauty in motion. She creates the space for you to see how it's meant to be done; she dances in a moment suspended in time.


Miss Snark has gone

I can't believe it - Miss Snark's retired!

I came back from the weekend away thinking I'd sign in for my daily dose of Snarkiness and all of a sudden I found the sky had fallen on my head. I'll miss the Snarkiverse a lot, but especially Miss Snark's trenchant common sense, wisdom and the innate kindness she tried so hard to disguise.

It'll be a big miss, as we say in Scotland (which, now I come to think of it, definitely needs translation!) Not just her, but that whole eclectic community of writers who got together to read and comment on her blog.

She's leaving the blog up, which is a relief - it's an extremely valuable resource for writers. I can see why she'd need to retire, though. The work she's put in must have been phenomenal. I can't imagine how she found the energy to blog, read the mail, and crit the crapometers, as well as holding down a job. Her life must have been put aside to make room. I hope she has a well-deserved rest after this and manages to get her hands on Mr Clooney. Good luck to her - she's a true gem.
